keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2008

Interview, Caroline Swift

Which are the bad and the good sides of porcelain as a material?

It can be difficult to find a really white porcelain base, especially with casting slip but when that is achieved it is beautiful. I know that it is more difficult than other materials to work with but not as tricky as bone china, which I do prefer. Despite not being a trained as a ceramicist, I did not find porcelain that difficult to work with, on the contrary, very enjoyable.Obviously the strengths are its whiteness, purity and translucency. Disadvantages are costs as it is expensive, it can warp considerably, and this can be troublesome if you don't want that and I think that as a material it can be over-rated. I suppose that very much depends on what you make with it.

Which qualities of porcelain fascinate you?

I do work more with bone china, as I prefer the colour as it such a beautiful white. It is pure and simple and says a lot in itself so does not need to be over-worked.

Where do you find the inspiration for your work?

Nature, flowers and bleak winter landscapes. Also the material is
very much a source of inspiration as every material leads me to develop something different.

What do you see the future of porcelain like? (unique designs) Does it have amarket?

Yes it does have a market. We live in such a mass-market society but there are always opposing trends and habits. As society becomes tired with mass-market goods then there will always be a demand for hand-made pieces with integrity, beauty and a simplicity that cannot be produced with more widely available and poorer materials. I find that the major challenge as a ceramicist is to be a businesswoman at the same time as a maker and not forget that the two must sit together if you want to sell, as opposed to being an artist and selling mainly to galleries. This is an option, however, with no less value.The world has become so small that new ideas are grasped immediately from Tokyo to New York and so my best advice is not too look too much at what other people are doing but challenge yourself with your own research and ideas and see where that takes you. It may take longer and there may not be immediate results but it is the only way to arrive at doing something unique and then people do really start to take notice.

tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2008

Valon taikaa

Yksi kiinnostava osa-alue posliinin muotoilussa ovat valaisimet. Siihen posliini sopii mainiosti läpikuultavuudensa vuoksi. Kuvassa margaret O'rourken valoteos.

Peter Bidduplh hyödyntää valoa hieman erillaisella tavalla. Hänen työnsä ovat kuin merenalainen tai avaruudellinen maailma.


maanantai 27. lokakuuta 2008

Carolinen Swift

Herkkää ja yksinkertaisesti kaunista. -Tiina

Lorena Barrezueta

Todella kiva ja toimiva tuoteidea. -Tiina

Tina Roeder

Hullunkurista ja hauskaa. -Tiina

Sarah Grove

Groven töissä materiaalin tuntu ja herkkyys kiinnittivät huomioni. -Tiina

Ikuko Iwamoto

Iwamoton töissä on hauskaa outoutta. -Tiina

torstai 23. lokakuuta 2008

On tämäkin lähestymistapa

Posliinin ominaisuuksia voi hyödyntää mitä moninaisimmissa muodoissa. Esim

keskiviikko 22. lokakuuta 2008

alku aina hankala

pienen researchin jälkeen alkoi löytyä kiinnostavia alan tekijöitä. yllä Bodo Sperlein suunnittelema hevosaiheinen astiasto.

tiistai 14. lokakuuta 2008

Aloitus, Beginning

Tämä blogi on perustettu Taikin kolmannen vuosikurssin posliinia materiaalina käsittelevän projektin dokumentointia varten. Opiskelijat kirjoittavat blogiin edistymisestään ja ajatuksiaan projektista. Tarkoituksena on kerätä myös linkkejä posliinia materiaalinaan käyttävien taiteilijoiden ja suunnittelijoiden sivuille, sekä posliinia käsitteleviä artikkeleita ja tekniikoita esitteleviä sivustoja. Projektin lopuksi koostamme blogiin kuvagallerian valmistuneista töistä.

This blog is created for TAIK (University of Art and design Helsinki, Finland) third year ceramic and glass students porcelain project. Students will write about their personal projects and thoughts about working with porcelain. We will also collect links to various porcelain sites; artists, articles, techniques. In the end of this intensive period we'll put up a gallery exhibiting students works during this project.

Opettajana odotan mielenkiinnolla, tuoko blogimuotoinen dokumentointi kurssille mitään lisäarvoa. Innostavatko kommentit opiskelijoita työssään ja ennen kaikkea, syntyykö keskustelua.

As a teacher, I'm interested if blogging about a course brings some extra value to the theaching and learning process. Will comments encourage students? And most of all, will there be discussion?